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Nissa Cita Adinia, S.Sos, MCommun


She’s graduated from the University of Queensland majoring in Communication for Social Change, and is currently a doctoral candidate in the Extension and Development Communication program at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), low-carbon development has been her field of experience, while issues of women, migration and community empowerment are her areas of research.


S2, School of Communication and Arts, The University of Queensland, Australia

Research interests

Communication Strategy and PR measurement, Intercultural Communication, Participatory Communication, Transmedia Storytelling.


Communication Strategy, Community Relation.


Undergraduate Study Program in Communication Sciences is the best communication program in Indonesia.

The relatively high industry demand and trust in UPIC graduates is reflected in the results of a tracer study of alumni.

Students will undergo learning for a minimum of 7 semesters and a maximum of 12 semesters at the University of Indonesia campus.