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What are the Career Opportunities for UPIC Graduates?

Graduates of Department of Communication Sciences (UPIC) Undergraduate Program receive a Bachelor of Social Sciences (for regular students) and a degree from a partner university according to their specialization (for International Special Class students).

Career opportunities are spread in various fields according to the specializations offered: Media Studies, Journalism, Public Relations, and Advertising. The relatively high industry demand and trust in UPIC graduates is reflected in the results of a tracer study of alumni.

Referring to the results of a survey involving 223 alumni who graduated in 2013-2022, data processing shows that the majority of graduates (56.5%) got a job in less than three months [tracer study survey results, 2022]; 23.9% got a job in 3-6 months; and the rest 7-12 months.

UPIC alumni are spread across various fields of work:

Are you looking for information on job vacancies or internships? We provide some information on this page.

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