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Ir. Wahyuni Pudjiastuti, MS


Wahyuni is a permanent lecturer at the Department of Communication Sciences, specializing in Public Relations. He is also a Master examiner in the field of Public Relations at the Indonesian Public Relations Certification Institute. Wahyuni is also active as a speaker at various institutions, especially in the field of public relations and is active as a researcher in the field of public policy. He was an expert at PDR RI in the field of public relations and news (2014-2015). Wahyuni is very productive in publishing books, and to date has published more than 8 book titles, including Political Campaigns with Persuasive Communication, Effective Strategies to Attract Beginner Voters (2018), Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Plastic Waste to Support Greening (2018), Campaign Strategies Social to Unravel Social Problems in Children (2021).


S2, Komunikasi Pembangunan, IPB, Indonesia

Research interests



Public Relations Media Writing and Production Techniques and Public Relations Management.

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