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Exchange Program to Keio University Japan

By February 28, 2018No Comments1 min read

Keio University in Tokyo, Japan offers exchange program for undergraduate student in all subjects with minimum 3rd semester to 6th semester. This program will be started on Fall Semester 2018,  and will take one/ two semester. For those who are interested, please fill in your application with these additional documents:

  1. Recomendation letter from faculty
  2. Latest Transcript (Minimum Cummulative GPA of 3.3 for social sciences, and 3.1 for science and engineering)
  3. TOEFL ITP with minimum score of 550 (Exchange Program)
  4. Motivation Letter
  5. Curriculum Vitae 

Please submit your complete application to International Office UI, Administration Centre Building 1st Floor, Depok Campus by latest March 9, 2018.

Note: Students who has participated in any International Office UI are NOT eligible.

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